2009年1月21日 星期三


"...Our challenges may be new. The instruments with which we meet them may be new. But those values upon which our success depends — honesty and hard work, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism — these things are old. These things are true. They have been the quiet force of progress throughout our history. What is demanded then is a return to these truths. What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility — a recognition, on the part of every American, that we have duties to ourselves, our nation, and the world, duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly, firm in the knowledge that there is nothing so satisfying to the spirit, so defining of our character, than giving our all to a difficult task." from his inaugural speech
Obama just gave his inaugural address and talked about we are entering an era of responsibility, that it is the responsibility of each of us to work toward the common goal of achieving our dream. We might face new challenges and we may need new tools to meet our challenges; but the values of what we stand for, that have made us different should sustain. I guess it is our soul that we have to protect and not get sucked by the world of greed and self-fishness. It is also in our life that there is something that we have to work for and not take for granted. There are struggles that we have to overcome, there are true effort to make and price that we have pay in order to achieve what we are hoping for...

2009年1月13日 星期二

吸氣 vs 嘆氣

今早在收音機聽到一句說話頗有意思..同一度空氣中..有人為仍然可以吸到一口氣而感恩..更有人為了要爭氣而活..但同時亦有人每每都在唉聲嘆氣.. 琴日開會時..老板都話我地講嘢可能負面咗d..可能係一種提醒..所謂有諸內而形於外..雖然唔係好同意佢嘅comment..但諗真都算係善意嘅..的而且..有時自己可真不自覺地影響到身邊嘅人..顧己及人..做人真係需要正面一d..

2009年1月7日 星期三


Lately I have been thinking alot about getting on cruise for a vacation. My mind is filled with fairly vague images of the Carribbean, the Bahamas, around Central America. Lying on the deck, putting on a tan, reading, swimming, taking photo on the seas, expecting the sunset, looking at beautiful women, relaxing and trying to free my mind... Oh! When could this happen?

2009年1月5日 星期一


近日留意到阿Kay都攞咗好多獎..不期然又再重聽她的歌..晚上搭巴士回家時亦不斷咁replay佢隻『囍帖街』..今晚喺部腦面前更重覆聽了幾次..今晚再聽嘅時候..心裡好像有種抑壓已久的感覺要發洩出來..心有種乸住乸住嘅感覺..差d都忍唔住! 想到呢個城市..自己成長嘅地方..無論係環境..文化..以往嘅舊建築..一切一切都彷彿隨著時代嘅變遷而成為一段段唏噓嘅回憶..令人有百般滋味在心頭.. ">
忘掉種過的花..重新的出發..放棄理想吧 別再看..塵封的喜帖..你正在要搬家 築得起..人應該接受..都有日倒下 其實沒有一種安穩快樂..永遠也不差 就似這一區..曾經稱得上..美滿甲天下 但霎眼..全街的單位..快要住滿烏鴉 好景不會每日常在..天梯不可只往上爬 愛的人..沒有一生一世嗎..大概不需要害怕 忘掉愛過的他..當初的喜帖金箔印著那位他 裱起婚紗照那道牆及一切美麗舊年華..明日同步拆下 忘掉有過的家..小餐枱沙發雪櫃及兩份紅茶 溫馨的光景不過借出到期拿回嗎.. 等不到下一代..是嗎 忘掉砌過的沙..回憶的堡壘..剎那已倒下 面對這..墳起的荒土..你註定學會瀟灑 階磚不會拒絕磨蝕..窗花不可幽禁落霞 有感情..就會一生一世嗎..又再婉惜有用嗎 忘掉愛過的他..當初的喜帖金箔印著那位他 裱起婚紗照那道牆及一切美麗舊年華..明日同步拆下 忘掉有過的家..小餐枱沙發雪櫃及兩份紅茶 溫馨的光景不過借出到期拿回嗎.. 終須會時辰到..別怕..請放下手裡那鎖匙..好嗎 (曲: eric kwok 詞: wyman)