2010年8月27日 星期五
23/8這個星期..相信每個香港人心情都難免低落..心中隱隱作痛..大家都可能問: 點解會咁?
雖然放假, 今早我亦一早醒來..心中惦記著特首的呼籲..在八時正為一班在菲律賓遭遇到不幸的港人同胞..進行三分鐘的默哀..這亦算是我們可以給予的一點支持吧!
今早繼續收看新聞..沒料到主播的一句: "遲了兩天..終於回到家了" 像刺中我一樣..看到一副又一副的靈柩在機場的停機坪上..見到殉職了的領隊謝廷駿的父母家人對著兒子的靈柩痛哭..見到當日帶著小孩子得以逃脫旅遊巴..但最後卻不幸失去丈夫的傅太及一對子女..見到一個又一個的白色花環被放上..當晚電視直播的畫面..彷彿又在眼前呈現..我竟不禁落淚..看報紙一邊感到鼻酸..看電視卻又有淚..我好像從未有過這種切膚悲痛..
2010年8月10日 星期二
Blog友說得對..最重要是問心無愧..盡力做好自己..好好的享受每一天..有時做人都是隨心一點吧! 開開心心又一天!
2010年8月3日 星期二
Toy Story 3
It is a story of toys. It is also a story for us adults. I never expect much out of it other than straight fun and laughter. And yet, the story was quite well set up. Feeling abandoned, betrayed, left behind by people you trust ?! Throughout the movie, I also asked myself how many times had I ever lost trust with people ? Sadly we would also lose the faith that bind people together. When problems occur, when differences arise, when compromise seems impossilbe, do you still trust and support your love ones ? Or would you insist that you should be listened ? Sometimes it is doubts with people that set us apart. Sometimes, it is not until we can trust one another and let the love inside take us through whatever we had to go through. The story reminds me of the courage to trust and work with people and hope for the best out of it. It is how we perceive the world. It is up to anyone of us to work things out with different people.
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