2008年10月30日 星期四
It is already Q4 of the year and I am in middle of the peak season at work, just as the years before. No doubt there are tons of stress. But I am learning to stay focused; to concentrate; to deal with priorities; to handle work in more effective manner; try to work things out and get the result expected. I am also learning to stay balanced with my after-work live, spend time on doing other non-routine leisure stuff. Most important of all is to stay healthy. Even after work, I noticed that I actually had to concentrate on unloading the stress, forget about work and tried to relax. The 5-day work is kind of like in battle -- you are not sure what would turn out but you know you need to stay in shape and there is just no time for playing emotions.
2008年10月18日 星期六
Hair Salon
Everytime before I am determined to walk in, I used to have struggle, reluntance, hesitation and on top of that the unwillingness to sit there for hours! But still, everytime the ritual is over, the weariness is gone and the energy is built. I just have a wonderful sensation filled with confidence and more.
As soon as I walk out from the hair salon, I just feel I am re-born; revitalized, refreshed; and it just feels so good. It's so physical and psychological......
2008年10月14日 星期二
staying on track
For the past couple weeks, I have been trying to put my chaotic life somewhat back on (or near) track. I picked up books which were left in boxes and start reading; I meditated over my role at work; I thought more about my career; I put more focus on doing my job neatly and effectively; I tried to work out some schedule for everyday to balance off my work; I tried to put some regularity back to my wandering pace. Lately I am using the blog to examine my thoughts, try to adjust my perspective and learn to be more confident and optimistic about everything.
For the last few weeks, there has been talking about the latest financial tsunami. I began to question about my profession. Though I was not among one of the Lehman's bondholder, the market sentiment became volatile and fragile and it feels like some outbreak is on its way. I get more concerned about having enough cash in my hands. I even tried to postpone my trip; and start thinking about cutting expenses. Maybe I'm just being too uptight.
Luckily I don't have a family to raise yet. But this does not ease the tension very much. Somehow, somewhere, I know I need to pull myself together and get going with my sweet-n-sour life.
I hope I can manage to make some sense out of all this and perhaps when I look back someday, this could be some lession to learn.
2008年10月10日 星期五
2008年10月7日 星期二
唔知由幾時開始..機場已成為我喜愛的一個地方..每次去到機場..都會有種興奮雀躍的感覺..漸漸地..它亦成為了我心中的一片天地..每當感到鬱澀愁悶的時候..去機場走一趟就可以幫我解開煩憂..或者是因為看見客旅等待上機出發..心中不自覺地感到奇妙的盼望..就算不是真的上機去..在周圍的地方流連一陣..也令人舒暢的..在這個神奇地帶..或者可以讓自己平靜下來..好好去整理一下凌亂的思緒.. 繼續前行
2008年10月6日 星期一
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