2010年1月31日 星期日



2010年1月28日 星期四

To be or not to be ....

For over the past six weeks or so, my boss has been trying to give me some talk to pursue an MBA degree. He had been preaching me on that one-on-one, sometimes in the open office, and sometimes even during a work meeting. Naturally this became a joke for discussion in our division. I know in the past this is something I would immediately turn my back away. No one here to make any promise of financial sponsorship or job promotion of any kind. You are talking about over some HK$ 200K+. This could be good money for a lot of things, even a down payment for mortgage. But as the more of his analytic perspective we shared, now the less reluctant I get. I started to think that maybe I should give it some serious thoughts. When he learnt that I might be more interested in taking Chinese Calligraphy, he almost jumped from his chair, pretty much like my dad would react. How cute!! I noticed that I have changed in mentality as well. This is not a definite no no but something that arouse my attention for some thought & consideration......

2010年1月24日 星期日

我要Fit一Fit I

(網絡圖片) 今日個鬍鬚 TRAINER教咗幾個要留意的地方.. 1. 由於我背肌較弱..操背嘅時候要特別留意背脊肌肉的反應..不要讓雙肩前傾..佢叫我記得要挺胸收腹..有助將背部夾實..原來男人有時都要挺胸收腹架 2. 操練肩膊時..又要將雙肩擺平在椅背..都係要挺胸收腹..唔好側起條頸..如果做得啱..target肌肉應會感到有D興 3. 每組動作每次應該重複十五下..總共做四次..stretch嘅時候不去到盡..不要讓weight 回落到起點..更注意不要讓關節受力.. 4. 調教大腿器械時候..要留意腳部pivot要跟膝蓋平衡..手部pivot就要跟手肘平衡.. 5. 佢又教做sit up時..如果想修下腹..可以平瞓在bench上面..雙腳提起成90度.. 今日操完後雙手都軟哂..但佢話嚟緊嘅training會更加tough

2010年1月18日 星期一


甚麼音樂頒獎典禮..甚麼版稅風波..甚麼封殺行動升級..甚至乎反高鐵撥款..反政府.....很無聊..我地嘅精神..應該睇吓海地嘅災民咁慘..睇吓我地個地球氣候有幾反常..睇吓我地嘅下一代..睇吓周圍身邊人嘅需要..對人好d..對自己豪d (但適可而止)..可以嘅..就睇開d.. 唔記得喺邊個訪問中聽過..宇宙咁大..煩惱可能係工作嘅一部份..而工作亦衹係我地生命中嘅一少部份..我開始明白到..開心抑或唔開心..有時可以係一念之差..

2010年1月10日 星期日


新一年..希望自己有一番新作為..踏入一月叫挨完咗個peak season..凈係follow up paperwork都叫人發癲..每晚都晏咗收工返屋企..加上又夜瞓..成個人都好攰..每日上到小巴我都可以一開車瞓到落車..嚟緊一年都預咗會有好多新挑戰..同好多想做嘅事..想學嘅課程..近日老細仲成日叫我諗吓..考慮再讀多個degree..佢突然間仲煩過我老豆..其實好多嘢都想自己handle得好D..又覺得自己好易俾D情緒同負能量影響心情..有時個人都會好易忟好易發皮四..可能個人都要學吓去處理壓力..要對自己同對明天有希望..偶然想起Le首歌..D歌詞都好有用..提醒自己 --- 明日有明天.. Tomorrow is another day! "> 流過多少眼淚 也不必沮喪 至少也比黑雨浩瀚 玫瑰得到眼淚 才特別茁壯 在絕嶺中怎可以不盛放 *全靠試過絕望 才珍惜開朗  每天都享樂便忘記了快樂  無法去進睡 欣賞每班機升降  最多 等天亮說晚安* #浮雲逐秒遠飛 我以為會記起  但做人像做戲 Tomorrow is another day  如疲倦到半死 入睡呼氣  難過會過期 吸一口新鮮空氣  Tomorrow is another day#

2010年1月3日 星期日

New Year Wish

Like the movie Avatar, it seems that one life has to end in order for another to come. Somehow you need to have a past in order to be who you are at present and to be what you want to be in future. Though 2009 is passed, I come to realise I should not have any regrets for what I have done or what I haven't. My past days are not something to regret; instead it is what makes me trying to do better tomorrow and to carry on until I am done with my calling. For 2010, I need to make a wish, try to live happily, eat well, stay healthy, hit my target and HK will continue to be strong and prosper. So on this very first day of the year, I went to watch this 3D movie and enjoyed a great meal with my favorite ribs at Ruby Tuesday. I consider this is a good way to celebrate the new year.